Rabbit Hills

(Courtesy of VE6NTT)


(Last update January 07, 2002 )   

WarningThis location is the PRIVATE PROPERTY of a Hutterite Colony. The colony is located just south of the hills.  Each time I've operated from this location I have stopped at the colony to let them know what we're up to. One of the elders usually comes out to check it out after we've set up. 

General.  Rabbit hills are located about 12 miles north of the Village of Veteran . This area of Alberta is pretty flat and this is the best location in the grid with about 300 feet above most of the surrounding terrain (approx  2800 feet ASL).

Driving Instructions. Travel Alberta Highway # 12 to the village of Veteran and then Grid Road # 884 north about 12 miles to the Rabbit Hills. The hills are easily identified by the large Television transmitter site and tower on the west side of the road. The entrance roadway is just north of the tower. 

The roadway takes you around the north side of the hill and up the west side to the Television site. You can operate from the transmitter site but there is no level parking area and the interference is horrendous. There is a much better location about 1/2 mile west and south along the ridge. There is no real road going over there - just tracks across the prairie. On our first visit we scouted a route on foot before taking the truck and camper. The location you want has a flat plateau on the top and a concrete survey bench mark. 

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