Antelope Hills

(Courtesy of VE6NTT)


(Last update January 06, 2002 ) 

WarningThis location is the PRIVATE PROPERTY of a local area rancher and used for cattle grazing. PRIOR APPROVAL is required before entry. I have found the land owner to be very co-operative but also very concerned about his property and cattle. I have operated from here several times without any objection but I have also been very careful to let him know in advance when, and what we were going to be doing.  I also assured him we would close all gates and leave it as we found it. I suspect failure to do so would mean no more operations from this locations. If your serious about operating from Antelope hills email me and I'll give you the contact information. 

General.  Antelope hills are located about 6 miles north of the Village of Hanna Alberta. The area around this part of Alberta is pretty flat and this is the best location in the grid with about 200 feet above most of the surrounding terrain (approx  2800 feet ASL).

Driving Instructions.  Travel Alberta Highway # 9 to the village of Hanna. Take the country road that leaves the North West corner of Hanna going North for about 6 miles to a T intersection. Take the left leg of the T. This will take you to the west side of the Antelope Hills and turns North again. On your left  is Dowling Lake and Antelope Hills on the right. Shortly after the turn northward there is a deserted farm house on the left. On the right a dirt road going up into the hills along a fence line. Follow the dirt road.  About half way up there is a barb wire gate in the fence and a rough track leading right that will take you up onto the top plateau overlooking Dowling Lake.  Watch as you crest the top, it's also a gravel pit.  The photo is looking northwest. North tip of Dowling Lake just visible at the left edge.

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